Tan Sri Dr. Kamal Salleh, penasihat Unit Perancang Ekonomi mendedahkan, 80% peruntukan yang diberikan kepada usahawan bumiputera dalam RMK 8 bocor dan mengalir kepada usahawan bukan bumiputera.
Pendedahan itu dibuat sewaktu beliau membentangkan kertas kerja di Konvensyen Usahawan Bumiputera yang berlangsung di PWTC semalam.
“Oleh sebab itu, dalam RMK 9, kerajaan nak mencari cara lain bagi mengurangkan ketirisan ataupun kebocoran tersebut” ujarnya lagi.
Kebocoran besar itu berlaku disebabkan oleh sikap usahawan Bumiputera sendiri yang suka mengambil jalan mudah dengan menyerahkan projek mereka kepada usahawan bukan bumiputera. Sikap yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini telah menyebabkan usaha kerajaan untuk meningkatkan tahap penguasaan ekonomi bumiputera di negara ini gagal direalisasikan.
Manakala pengerusi GABEM pula mempersoalkan kesungguhan usahawan Bumiputera dengan berkata :
“Yang dia (usahawan bumiputera) ada.. siapa dia kenal dan bukannya apa (yang) dia tahu”
Sumber : Buletin Utama 19 Julai 2008
Nur Aflah : Sudah tiba masanya usahawan bumiputera lebih bersungguh-sungguh, amanah dan jujur dalam menguruskan perniagaan mereka. Pihak kerajaan perlu terus komited dalam membantu usahawan bumiputera khususnya dalam penyediaan khidmat rundingan, kursus & latihan serta bantuan kewangan.
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Ini adalah masalah perlaksanaan kerajaan yang begitu merosakkan ekonomi negara keseluruhannya sejak NEP! Kalau saya seorang Melayu dan dapat peluang dan jalan yang senang untur memperoleh projeck-projeck dari kerajaan dengan keutungan yang hampir terjamin, saya akan cuba rampas kesemua projek terlebih dahulu. Kalau tak cukup modal, masa atau sumber lain yang perlu untuk menjalankan projek sedemikian, tak apa, kerana saya boleh subcontract project kepada siapa saja. Keuntungan saya dapat dulu, duit saya dapat dulu, memang saya akan dapat profit sekurang-kurangnya 10% dan keatas untuk subcontarct kepada orng lain. Tak kira bumi atau bukan bumi. Tetapi biasanya kena cari yang bukan bumilah sebab meraka ini tidak dapat projek dari kerajaan dan untuk sikit pun kena buat. Macam mana cari melayu contractor yang betul betul buak kerja, semua pun cari projek dulu, duit senang dan terjamin. siapa yang rugi, rakyatlah. sebab bila sampai 30% kekayaan negara ditangan melayu pun, itu pun ke tangan orang melayu yang ada jalanlah. Yang lain tu, berikan harapan dari polisi-polisi sedemikian supaya merika rasa mungkin ada peluang dan terus sokong kerajaan untuk tunggu masa untuk jadi kaya dengan cara yang seng ni.
Melayu kan pemalas sebagaimana yang dikatakan oleh penjajah British.
ReplyDelete50 tahun Melayu dimanjakan dengan KETUAN BULLSHIT. Jadi lagi malas. Memerlukan satu evolusi selama satu ataupun dua generasi untuk membentuk sikap malas menjadi positif.
Sape yang memusnahkan melayu? Sape lagi kalau bukan Tunku, THO, TAR, MAMAKTHIR dan anak beradak serta konco mereka, AAB hanya meneruskan kegemilangan kejatuhan Melayu.
Kalau ikut statistik tersebut dengan DEB yang dilancarkan, Melayu ataupun Rakyat Malaysia tidak sepatutnya berada pada tahap rendah sekarang.
Hidup UMNO-Petualang Bangsa.
Masalahnya kebanyakan perniagaan dan perusahaan orang Melayu bergantung kepada politik.
ReplyDeleteOrang Melayu tidak bermula dari bawah dalam membina empayar perniagaannya, oleh itu tidak ada ketahanan diri seperti orang-orang Cina.
Orang Melayu boleh naik dan dapat banyak projek kalau dia kenal somebody. Walaupun they know nothing to manage the project.
Generally in Malaysia, who you know is more important than what you know.
BILA TENGOK MALAYSIAKINI TUH, makin meluat dengan BLOG ini.
ReplyDeleteOrg Cina and Indian and other not bumiputra .... all of them have been living is more realistic world and earn every dollar in hard way. They have been used mto it and always more dynamic in facing any problem. They also never expect to get help from Govmen. Sounds very sad right !! if you campare to Malay or bumi with the help and oppoturnity been given from govmen.
ReplyDeleteTrain and Force !!
NEP have train non malay to be more independent
NEP have train non malay to be more competitive to face the world
NEP have train non malay to be more self loving
NEP have force non malay work oversea
NEP have force non malay to hate this bolehland
NEP have force malay to hate non malay
NEP have force malaysian fail miserably
Hey, NA, you look coool!
ReplyDeleteThis is consequences from NEP, u want it more u will lose it even more. Our economy is retreat, if Gov wanna to maintain the NEP it could spoil whole nation economy. Support Anwar to be our PM, he is the only man can lead us to right side.
ReplyDeleteMalay fren brave to face challenge "Ketuanan Melayu" won't help ur guys from poverty. After 50 years of independence, u must learn how to be real independence. Lets work with other races for prosperity future, as brotherhood no one should left behind. UMNO just ruin down ur race to be more low grade race in the world.
sebenarnya, UMNOputra pakai nama bumiputra untuk dapat contrak tapi mereka tidak tahu langsung kehendak dalam contrak dan perlaksananan itu. Mereka terpaksa jualkan contrak itu kepada cina/indian supaya dapatkan keuntungan yang cepat. Kerajaan patut berikan contrak itu kepada bumi yang layak bukan kroni.
ReplyDeleteOleh itu, Bocor disebabkan Kroni bekan bumi atau non-bumi.
ReplyDeleteThe fight is not because to any spesific guy. The fight to save all Malaysian.
Anwar indeed has a very much important role.. but he is not the "only" guy to lead us, w/o him
we still have other leaders in PKR, DAP and PAS.
This is a fight for all Malaysian who love this country. We Malay and non Malay must stayS togather to fight for the "Intra-Independent" from Umno.
It is a fact that most Malays are lazy. I have seen some that are hardworking but they are hard to find. Those hardworking ones usually do fine. The govenment should help educatte and train the Malays to be hardworking and competitive to survive in the world. As the saying goes, teach a person how to fish and not give them a fish. That is the way to help them. I have met many Malays who are more willing to stay at home than to work. They are always complaining, "stresslah itu kerja, saya tak suka stres". What is this? Everyone goes through some stress at work. Learn to be strong and give your best. The Malay mentality must change to improve themselves. No one can help them to be more successful if they do not change their attitude of wanting to receive but do not want to work for it.
ReplyDeleteI am no Malay hater or anything against the Malays. I saying all this because I hope the Malays will realize their short comings and change for the better.
I only dislike UMNO and its policies that is destroying Malaysia.
Kerajaan tidak menjalankan tugasnya selama 50 tahun! Ia menjadikan Orang2 bumiputra and non bumi saling tidak yakin antara satu sama lain...ini satu sebab yg utama ekonomi dan hubungan kita semua orang Malaysia lembap sekarang.
ReplyDeleteSaya meyeru kita semua ubah sikap, dan langkah yg pertama..."UBAH KERAJAAN UMNO"...
It's not how about spoon feeding process is, it's about you pick up your spoon to start feed your self.
ReplyDeleteYou need 50 years of support again that lead Malay in uncompetitive? What you say Cik Nur Aflah.
ReplyDeleteI am a Malay and I totally agree with you on the lazy part.
These people, even you gave them the best of spoons, they still would not know to use it. They wants you to chew for them then stuff in their throat.
I used to provoke my students including foreigners. They can be easily reverse psycho. Malays, you said anything also they care less due to SUBSIDY MENTALITY.
insyaAllah laman ini akan menjadi mangkin kepada kebangkitan umat dalam menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan. Kita kadang2 tak perlu sangat memikirkan tentang soal-soal melayu. Ini benar. Kita perlu pandai dalam menilai apa yang penting. Dalam dunia ini, ada yang lagi penting dari hal-hal melayu,-iaitu hal agama. Islam patut diletakkan pada taraf yang sesuai oleh umatnya. Alangkah rugi kalau kita asyik berbicara tentang Khairy dan orang-orang yang seangkatan dengan dia. Kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi.....bila lagi umat Islam nak bersama-sama berbincang untuk kemajuan. Think twice baby......... -shaff@UMP
ReplyDeleteThe government should really, really come up with helping the poor to fish for themselves. Provide training, skills, especially training for good working attitudes and a good command of English to help the poor (which a lot are Malays unfortunately). To help them become independent and self sufficient financially on their own and not from favouritism, will help bring all races together in harmony. Nobody is against helping the poor but people are against unfairness.
ReplyDeleteWe need leaders who are not politically and financially greedy to be able to do something good for Malaysia and its people. Politics in Malaysia only knows one thing, divide, make the people hate each other so that they can stay in power forever.
I also believe Malays can change to be good and competitive if they are trained and forced to. I want to share this. Two Malay staff of mine were very irresponsible and lazy when they first started working with me. Always absent for the slightest reason. No initiative in their work. Finally, I couldn't stand it. Gave them an ultimatum - improve or leave the company. I also provided them with extra training and with deadlines to submit their work with improved quality. Both of them changed when they saw I meant business. Today, one of them is doing well outside after several years with me and the other one is still with me. We have a very good working relationship. We laughed when we recall those days and she said "At that time I didn't realise that I have an attitude problem but you made me see it and was serious about asking me to leave. Also, looking at the others here worked and with their advice, I knew I had to change for the better." We hold no hard feelings but we are closer than ever before. She has become valuable to the company because she has changed and improved.
"More recent EPU data provided by EPU director Mat Noor Nawi shows that Bumiputera's equity had risen to 19.4 per cent worth RM120.39 billion in 2006, from 18.9 per cent in 2004. Of this, 15.1 per cent or RM93.98 billion, was directly held by individuals." Dari angka tersebut, kita sepatutnya mempunyai 120000 bumi jutawan ? Ini membuktikan NEP sudah di salahgunakan oleh UMNOputra untuk kebaikan pribadi dan khususnya untuk matlamat politik pribadi. Hahaha...who cares about kesengsaraan Rakyat....who cares about Rakyat basic needs. I sendiri seronok cukup lah. Tiada kebocoran dana negara, memang tiada kesengsaraan Rakyat. Siapa yang crazy for power, position and money ? Siapa yang bodoh ? Rakyat rugi, negara hancur. Satu hari nanti, akan jadi kenyataan bahwa Rakyat adalah kerajaan, bukan BN. This is guaranteed the righteous will prevail.
ReplyDeleteselagi UMNO memerintah negara ini, ahli-ahli politik UMNO akan menjalankan segala tektik untuk memasukkan akal orang Melayu bahawa tanpa UMNO, Melayu akan habis, takada peluang, miskin dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya, Malaysia sebuah negara yang kaya dengan sumber semulajadi dan sumber manusia. Tanpa NEP, Malaysia mungkin sudah jadi negara yang lebih kuat dan kaya daripada S'pore ataupun Korea. NEP sebenarnya adalah "Carrot" untuk bangsa yang terbesar di negara ini iaitu Melayu terus sokong UMNO untuk mendapatkan hak-hak istimewa yang sebenarnya hanya menguntungkan segelintir Melayu, bukan semua Melayu! NEP menjadikan bangsa lain rasa diketepikan dan enggan tolong Melayu dari segi lain. Akibatnya, negara yang patutnya kaya raya sekarang berkembang prelahan-lahan. Rakyat yang tiada 'connection' berkerja keras untuk mengkayakan segelintir elite yang ada perhubungan dengan UMNO dengan secara terus atau secara tidak terus seperti mereka yang berjawatan di MCA dan MIC. Keselurahan mechanasi di agensi kerajaan adalah cuba mendapatkan peluang untuk merampas projek yang terjamin keuntungannya. Tengoklah slogan kerajaan dimana-mana: Bangsa, Ugama dan Negara -- Keutamaan BN ialah bangsa terlebih dahulu daripada NEGARA. Adakah MELAYU mencintai negara ini? Meraka diberitahu oleh UMNO, cintailah bangsa dulu, itulah jenis patriotic yang ingin ditanami oleh kerajaan BN! Sebenarnya, TANPA UMNO, Melayu akan lebih berjaya and kuat dan bermaruah di negara ini.
ReplyDeleteBumiputera especially orang Islam majoritinya tidak mahu mengamalkan perniagaan mereka dengan cara Islam. Suka bazir duit yg diterima dan suka mendapatkan tender projek melalui cara tak Islam dan memberi makan kat keluarga dengan rezeki yang diperolehi. Tak faham macamana mereka nak jawab kat Allah bila dihisab nanti. Nauzibillah.
ReplyDeleteThere are times when my day is not hectic and I spend time discussing anything to keep our mind from job for a moment.
From my humble opinion, associating Malay with laziness is not true, this laziness syndrome can be discovers other countries too.
What the Malays don't have including my subordinates is seen of urgency, sense of ownership.
What ever our job is, we must threat the next process as our customer. Value add in any other way possible. Our education system doesn't encourage such value. No wonder our Education Minister doesn't want his children educated in the 'normal' curriculum.
Talking about "ketirisan" of our country wealth thru NEP, it's going to be an on and on issue. Everybody here are reporters. You read, make conclusion and write it back. That all?
Lets say all the country contract (in this case let say school landscaping job) are given through a tulus 'meritrokasi', do you think the small Bumiputera companies will be given a project. With their small capital, I don't think so. The project will go to a bigger company that will handle landscaping job for the whole district.
The best way to distribute this kind of contract is wealth distribution. Big companies should be left along playing with the big sharks.
The 'meritrokasi' concept then done with all the bigger companies been taken out from the picture. Landscaping job than been divided with 1 school - 1 contractor. Of course... from here... monitoring from the authority should be strengthen. The contract renewal can be yearly if the achieved or exceed their KPI.
Make Trade Fair
For the psst 50 years we can only achieved 19.4% now najib is targeting 30% in 2020 which is only 12 yrs away. Are we dreaming? next 3 yrs we are going into recession. Our share definitely going to shrink. Left with only 9 years...This NEP is benefiting the Non bumis more. Why? NEP makes them more competive, more resilient, more innovative, more clever, more advance, works more harder....... and last but not least wealthier.
ReplyDeleteShall be continue to make them wealthier and wealthier??
Nur Aflah.
ReplyDeleteU silap. Bukan nya BUMIPUTRA tetapi UMNOPUTRA. Kelakuan mereka hanya tahu jalan senang sahaja. Jual tanah dsbnya.
Hi Aflah,
ReplyDeleteI think NEP is not the problem. NEP created for benefit of all. However, people (UMNO) miused it.
Don't "Marahkan Nyamuk Kelambu Di Bakar".
I'm new here.
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anybody wants to know Ani Arope Vs IPP please surf:http://malaysianunplug.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteDasar Ekonomi Baru adalah untuk kepentingan bukan Melayu. UMNO posmen hantar duit. Kontraktor melayu cuma pandai repair jamban aje. UMNO lah yang buat Melayu jadi pemalas!
ReplyDeleteMeluat tolll dengan NUR AFLAH!!!!
ReplyDeleteMALAYSIAKINI??? hahahaha, cukuplah tuh....
rilek le malaysiakini..lu ni emosi x bertempat le..lu umor berapa ni?macam bdk2 btl..