Suratan atau kebetulan?

Jika kita amati perjalanan kes liwat DS Anwar dan juga usahanya menuju ke Putrajaya, terdapat beberapa kejadian yang kekadang membuatkan kita terfikir, adakah kejadian yang berlaku itu suatu suratan ataupun hanya kebetulan?

Mungkin ada yang ingin menambah, ianya sudah dirancang oleh dot dot dot. Apapun, setiap rakyat di negara ini berhak melontarkan pandangan masing-masing. Kembali kepada persoalan tadi, terdapat 2 kisah yang telah berlaku iaitu:

1) Pada hari Dr. Wan Azizah mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya sebagai ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh, pada hari itu juga siasatan kes liwat Anwar siap disempurnakan oleh pihak polis dan diserahkan kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara.

2) Semalam pula, ketika SPR mengumumkan tarikh pilihanraya kecil kerusi parlimen Permatang Pauh, pada hari itu juga DS Anwar menerima notis untuk dihadapkan ke mahkamah atas tuduhan meliwat Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

Petang tadi, DS Anwar sempat mengadakan sidang akhbar khas bagi menerangkan risiko yang terpaksa dihadapinya berhubung notis mahkamah yang diterimanya tengahari tadi.

Petikan video Malaysiakini

Anwar bakal ditahan?

Beberapa laman portal melaporkan, kemungkinan besar DS Anwar akan ditahan di mahkamah esok. Ini kerana, menurut undang-undang di negara ini, orang kena tuduh (OKT) bagi kes liwat tidak boleh diikatjamin. Ertinya, esok DS Anwar akan ditahan selepas pertuduhan ke atasnya dibacakan di mahmakah.

Jelas sekali, DS Anwar telahpun bersedia untuk ditahan. Malah, pemimpin PKR sendiri tidak menolak kemungkinan yang DS Anwar bakal ditahan sejak polis menyiapkan kertas laporan siasatan mereka pada minggu lepas. Jika kita membaca laporan berita asing, kebanyakan dari mereka berpendapat, peluang Anwar untuk menguasai kerajaan Malaysia pada 16 September 2008 amat tipis sekali.

Biarpun Anwar memenangi kerusi Permatang Pauh, beliau terpaksa mendiami penjara Malaysia sehingga kesnya selesai dibicarakan. Sudah tentu, kes ini akan mengambil masa berbulan-bulan untuk diselesaikan. Dan akhirnya, tidak mustahil Anwar akan dijatuhkan hukuman bersalah oleh pihak mahkamah. Jika Anwar didapati bersalah oleh mahkamah, maka berakhirlah perjuangan politiknya kerana Anwar sudah tentu akan mengakhiri hayatnya di penjara. 10 Ogos ini, Anwar akan menyambut ulangtahun kelahirannya yang ke 61. Jika dia dijatuhkan hukuman penjara selama 20 tahun, usianya sudah menjadi 81 tahun.

Malaysia bakal bermasalah?

Berdasarkan kepada perkembangan semasa, dunia luar menganggap dakwaan terhadap DS Anwar adalah bermotifkan politik. Biar apapun alasan yang diberikan oleh kerajaan Malaysia, dunia luar tentunya telah mempunyai persepsi negatif terhadap pentadbiran kerajaan Malaysia. Sekarang ini pun, Amerika dan Jepun (2 pelabur terbesar Malaysia) sedang meneliti perkembangan kes ini secara terperinci.

Apa yang kita bimbangkan ialah bukannya negara ini akan diserang oleh negara luar tapi bimbang jika pelabur luar lari Malaysia. Kesannya amat teruk sekali dan Malaysia memerlukan masa bertahun-tahun untuk mengembalikan keyakinan pelabur luar.

Oleh sebab itu, kerajaan Malaysia perlu memastikan kes liwat Anwar kali ini akan diadili dengan seadil-adilnya serta bebas dari segala unsur politik. Jika terdapat keraguan yang munasabah untuk menidakkan kebenaran pendakwaan itu, maka imej negara ini bakal tercalar di mata dunia. Rakyat Malaysia tentunya tidak mahu imej negara ini disamakan dengan Zimbabwe oleh negara luar.

Perlu diingat, dunia juga sedang menilai pengganti Pak Lah iaitu DS Najib. Sebelum ini, DS Anwar telah mendedahkan beberapa penyalahgunaan kuasa dan juga jenayah yang melibatkan DS Najib. Biarpun DS Najib tidak pernah didakwa atas semua pertuduhan itu, sedikit-sebanyak imejnya sebagai pemimpin yang berwibawa telahpun dipersoalkan oleh banyak pihak. Mahu atau tidak mahu, DS Najib perlu membuktikan kepada dunia bahawa dirinya tidaklah seperti yang didakwa oleh DS Anwar.

Hasil undian yang saya jalankan di blog ini menyatakan, 92% pengunjung blog ini berpendapat yang DS Najib terlibat dalam kes pembunuhan Altantuya. Memang tidak adil jika saya katakan undian tersebut menggambarkan persepsi keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia. Akan tetapi, peratusannya amat ketara sekali untuk menggambarkan persepsi negatif yang sedang dihadapi oleh DS Najib. 9 daripada 10 pengunjung blog ini merasakan DS Najib bersalah.

Nota Akhir

Mungkin ini adalah pesanan ‘peribadi’ dari DS Anwar untuk setiap rakyat Malaysia?

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  1. Salam...

    Blog ni berwajah baru... ;)

    p/s : mintak tulun tunjuk ajar tukar2 template...hihihi

  2. Belum pun anwar ditangkap
    Bang Bakaq dah kena dulu.

  3. 1. Pada hari Dr. Wan Azizah mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya sebagai ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh, pada hari itu juga siasatan kes liwat Anwar siap disempurnakan oleh pihak polis dan diserahkan kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara.

    Atau pun begini :-

    Pada hari siasatan kes liwat Anwar siap disempurnakan oleh pihak polis dan diserahkan kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara, pada hari itu juga Dr. Wan Azizah mengumumkan perletakan jawatannya sebagai ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh

    Dua-dua pun berkemungkinan.

    2. Malaysia bakal dilanda masalah ? Malaysia sudah pun dilanda masalah. Tiada kejutan dalam hal ini.

    3. DSAI tidak ditahan, dibebaskan dengan bon RM20K dan passportnya tidak diambil. Strategi oh strategi.

  4. Mr crower, Polis UMNO (PDRM) tidak pernah adil dalam soal penyiasatan terhadap kes ini. Bagi para blogger pula POLIS UMNO ini menggunakan taktik fears syndromme.
    Unfortunate that the person is one of aflah fellow blogger's.

  5. Assalamualaikum,


    1. Apakah yang boleh dianggap adil oleh anda ? Saya rasa "adil" bagi anda jika DSAI dibebaskan dari tuduhan liwat, bukan begitu ?

    2. Bagaimana pula "keadilan" bagi pengadu ?

  6. kenapa depa kat luaq tu kecoh kech macm orang gila..... tak tau lah mad......tu yang aku tak sanggup tengok...... depa gila macam macam..ada gila kuasa ...ada gila duit...ada gila betiner...ada yang GILA GILA..... tapi yang sedaq ada tapi tak ramai....macam kelompok kita..... sebab tu orang macam kita ni di asingkan supaya mereka yang kat luaq tu tak jadi siuman macam kita........ hm betui tu din.. so berapa lama hang punya kursus ni ...tengok lah mad ....ada short course ada forever....hang mcm mana pulak ...aku pun macam hang jugak...course ikut sama lah kita..... betui lah tu kan hang ngan aku sama nama kita kan mad bin din.......................................... sempat lah saya merakam tmu bual en mad bin din tentang isu isu semasa org uyalem..
    kedua mereka menasihatkan kepada saudara saudara semua join mereka kursus di hospital happy.... kata mereka dunia kat luar tu terlalu ramai orang gila.

    di hospital happy mereker "berinteraksi sesama sendiri"....

    teringat saya bila berinteraksi depan cermin.

    ok semua saya nak jalan jalan cari kedamaian. adios!


  7. Mr Crower,

    what a stupid comment do you have right there, atau pun dlm bahasa melayu disebut "bangang". If anuar di sumbat ke dlm penjara..di manakah keadilan pula utk anuar? its vice versa..tapi persoalannya kat sini, ADIL sgt ker sistem "kehakiman" di negara Malaysia nie..yg semata² berpaksikan "undang² kafir ciptaan manusia? pls..would be very appreciate if u can answer me..jgn ikut sgt dgn corak pemerintahan kerajaan sekarang..selagi Hukum Allah tak dijalankan..selagi tu lah negara akan tunggang langgang..bukan x bersyukur dgn kemajuan..tapi fakta & batas itu tetap ada & bukan dengan kerajaan kita harus bersyukur!! think about it..( u beli minyak pon bukan nya dpt diskaun Mr "Crower" kn? =) )

  8. Mr Crower,

    Another thing.."apa persepsi u terhadap perkataan "Adil" itu sendiri?"


    setelah mengikuti blog ini dan juga lain lain blog..... irama nya sama .....apa yang saya perhatikan....masing2 menegakkan isu mengikut kecenderungan. pandangan demi pandangan...tapi tiada resolusi atau mengajak atau mengajar sesuatu yang prodaktif... dan positif.. hak masing-masing..banyak perkara lain lagi boleh di bicarakan, bukan hal politik berpuak puak yang merugi kan bangsa sendiri.

    kepada pn nuraflah thnx anyway for giving me some space to express opinion. jika ada perkataan menyentuh peribadi sesiapa mohon maaf.

    salam semua.

    jalan jalan bina persaudaraan

  10. Alfonso,

    1. Forgive me for my late reply, I was in KL and didn't have the time to look at this blog. I think you have interpreted my comments wrongly which can be attributed to your undying loyalty to DSAI. This undying loyalty may derived from the fact that you know him personally. Sadly I do not know DSAI personally, I know not what he can do and what he cannot do, that is why I do not have any undying loyalty to anyone except to my parents and siblings. To me, a person is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and that applies to DSAI. My comments were directed as a rhetoric reply to the comments made by Anonymous when he said "Mr crower, Polis UMNO (PDRM) tidak pernah adil dalam soal penyiasatan terhadap kes ini. Bagi para blogger pula POLIS UMNO ini menggunakan taktik fears syndromme." My intention was to fish out from Anonymous which part of the PDRM investigation that he suggested to be unfair ? I agree with your opinion, for every decision, there will always be one side to be considered as the winner, and the other, the loser. The loser will definitely feel unhappy.

    2. I never said that the Common Law gives more justice than the Islamic Law. Infact I agree, as a Muslim and as a Malaysian, Islamic Law should be implemented fully, unlike in the current scenario where it is limited to certain matters only. Unfortunately, the Common Law has been embraced by the country as "by product" as a result from the British colonization. Ofcourse we had the option to change the system after we have secured independence, unfortunately the Government failed to do this which may be attributed to their failure in convincing the non-Muslims in accepting Muslim Law. If only the non-Muslims knew how difficult it is to get a conviction in Islamic Law as opposed to the man-made Common Law.

    3. Now, Mr. Alfonso answer me this, come 16th September 2008, when DSAI is sworn in as the Prime Minister, in your opinion, can he manage to convince DAP and the rest of the non-Muslims to implement Islamic Law ? After all, it was you who mentioned "selagi Hukum Allah tak dijalankan..selagi itu lah negara akan tunggang langgang". I also agree with what you said.

    4. Ofcourse I don't get any discounts whenever I buy petrol, infact no Malaysians for that matter. I fail to see why you should raise the petrol price in this discussion ? Perhaps it is you who should learn on how to "jangan ikutkan sangat rentak emosi anda" which has clowded your judgment on the issue.

    5. Adil to me is Islamic Law because Islam is a religion for all and for througout time. We live and die for Allah, so we must follow whatever Allah commands us to do and to abstain from matters which Allah prohibits us to do. In the event where Islamic Law cannot be implemented even when it is known by the leaders that it should be so, let the Government answer for their decision. Justice in short, should contain these basic points :- 1) fairness. 2) moral rightness. 3) a scheme or system of law in which every person receives his due from the system, including all rights, both natural and legal.

    6. I respect your view. You have voiced yours, and I have voiced out mine. I don't intend to call your comments as "bangang" or stupid as it will only reflect that I have the same mentality as you.

    Thank you.

  11. Mr Crower,

    What a nice one you got there.Well, Mr first i didnt realize that you're more like a "brainy" person who shouts too loud (but in an ethical/polite way i guess) until i read ur reply. 6 paragraphs huh? hehe..
    okay, back to our quest on the PDRM thingy..yeah maybe there is a possibilty that i've mistakenly interpreted on what you have said earlier. But, let me ask you this..

    1. How sure or how confident are you when it comes to the implementation of justice in our country recently? How effective are the police when there are hundred of bribe cases await for the court hearing ? or how effective our Law Constitution in Malaysia when it comes to playin' hide & seek on Altantuya's case? You may have the thought that im on DSAI's side..but believe me, i am not that "too dying" to support each side. There are certain points from you that can make me nod or at least say "yes" esp. on the "a person is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and that applies to DSAI". yeah..i agree with that mate but c'mon would u feel when one of your family member get caught under the ISA act? can i address that act as a fair & an ethical procedure of investigation when the "victim" are refused by the govt to be handed a chance to defend their own rights to speak? or is it just another part of hiding the "real" agenda by the govt? u have the answer Mr Crower..& it could be the same as mine..

    2. am giving you the "nod" =)

    3. Mr Crower.. u seem to put all the responsibilties to a "one man's shoulder". Be realistic dude..have u ever read a story that tells u the journey of Muhammad SAW in spreading Islam in Makkah & Madinah? Did he alone do the talking, travelling & spreading the syiah? Back to basic Mr Crower..we are born as a khalifah, therefore we need to take this challenge together..not "alone"..

    4. to be cont..(nak balek..dah lewat nie..)

  12. Mr Crower,

    4. It wasn't my intention to raised the petrol issue and dont get it too carried away dude..i might be wrong to presume that you're actually one of "them" but, by looking at the way you express you thoughts/opinion..i dont know, maybe u deserve to get at least some kind like a discount card or maybe a place between the line? The situation are just beyond our imagination Mr Crower..hopefully, we are not the main "factor" on what it has caused us now.. do you vote Mr Crower?

    5. Agreed. but let me elaborate a bit on this..Adil= it gives a meaning of "giving the rights to another or giving the rights on where/when it is should be given to (a place where it is belong)." Do u think that they applied this to DSAI's case Mr Crower? and one more thing Mr Crower..It is the Government who chooses the Questions..and it is "We" who picks or chooses the answer for them..aren't we? =)

    6. Mr Crower, am sorry if my previous article has brought u mad or angry but to tell you the truth am a straight fwd person who likes to express everything that i could & believe me, We are edging towards a disaster & we cant just wait & see what's going to happen next..& i just dont that think we have made a correct decision..

  13. Alfonso,

    1. Like i said in my previous reply, only Islamic Law can assure us of justice. Any other types of law cannot assure us of any justice towards the complainant nor the wrong doer. The Constitution does not come into play in regards to Altantuya's case. It's a criminal case. Whoever said that I am with the ISA ? The ISA is against the Islamic Law.

    2. I'm not leaving it to one man to do the job. I'm merely saying that, the person who has the position should start the ball rolling because of his designation, authority and political will in hand.

    3. I'm doing all right as of right now, but thanks for thinking that I should deserve some discounts. Maybe you should put it in writing to the proper channel.

    4. If that's your definition of adil then so be it, likewise I have given my version of definition. I'm not too clear though on your statement "It is the Government who chooses the Questions..and it is "We" who picks or chooses the answer for them".

    5. I'm not mad at you or your postings. But I do believe as civilised people, especially as a Muslim, we should address our opinion clearly without calling others or their opinions as "bangang" or stupid. I for one detest name calling. Although I do not like Pak Lah and Co...I have never resorted to calling them as dollah, najis, toyol etc.


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